Thursday, 10 December 2009

Lots Of Toys

This card is to be entered in:-
Truly Scrumptious - challenge 22 - sketch + vellum

I have made this card for Bobby's nursery class as they have asked us not to send individual cards to each child, but to send one to the whole class. Then put a contribution into the fund. I used the Truly Scrumptious sketch, and they had an added challenge of using vellum. The lemony colour behind Santa is actually gold vellum with white snowflakes, only the colour hasn't shown too well. I wanted to keep it simple as the toy backing paper is quite busy and bright but ideal for the children.

A little up date about my boys to those of you who ask and send good wishes, Bobby my youngest is much better, just a bit of a cough left now. My Eldest was back to the doctor again yesterday, still no better. They have given him some more anti-biotics to be taken with the ones he's already on and an inhaler to be used when he is short of breath or his chest is hurting. When both courses of anti-biotics have been taken they will see if he's asthmatic.
So I can't see him being back at school before Monday, it's a shame as he's been off 2 weeks now and earlier in the year he slipped on ice broke his foot (metatarsil) and tore a ligament in his foot, and was off for 6 weeks, I've had a letter asking me to explain all the absenses this year from school. I've rang them and asked if they read their files before asking these questions, there short answer was NO!

Oh well we'll get everything right before Christmas hopefully.
Have a nice evening
Happy crafting
Tracy x


  1. Hi Tracy,
    I am so sorry that the boys are still not 100% and I hope you get to the bottom of Scott's problem and that you can all have a settled Christmas. Your card is simply gorgeous. Beautiful papers and a brilliantly coloured image.
    Thinking of you all,
    Fiona x

  2. tracy you sound as though you are having as much fun as me with kiddies and schools so frustrating when they treat us like the kids lol.
    your card is lovely hun i'm really drawn to it loads.
    hope things improve xx

  3. Sweet image lovely Card Tracey Love ur colour

    Hope all goes well

    Liz xx

  4. Lovely Santa! cute paper too

    Thanks for joining us on TS


  5. What a fabulous Santa and lovely papers too. Thanks for joining in our Truly Scrumptious challenge and I hope your boys are better soon.

  6. Lovely card Tracy,sorry to hear about your boys.
    Hope your son makes a speedy recovery.


  7. Hi Tracy

    Bad blogger this week - seems to be the story of my like lately, but we are so busy at work right now I've hardly got beyond my DT work all week.

    Sorry the boys have been ill and poor Bobby yet again. Christmas hols shortly so hopefully they will be all right for then, can't be poorly at Christmas.

    B x

  8. I hope your son feels better soon!! It is always so hard when your kids are sick.

    Great coloring of Santa!! Love that image and the papers.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  9. A beautiful card, those colours look stunning and such a cute image too, thanks for joining us at TS.
    Angela x

  10. wow Tracey what a fabulous christmas card, i love your santa...thanks for joining in with the Truly Scrumptious challenge
    Mina xxx

  11. Wow!I love your image and the background paper.
    How nice to meet you at Truly Scrumptious challenge .
    Have a good day!:-)


I really appreciate you taking time to comment, Thank You, it means so much
Tracy x